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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 4/18/07

Obviously not Paul Buchkovich

-Paul Buchkovich is an asshole-
Ocala, FL residents were angered when they saw a sign outside of Paul Buchkovich's Hercules Fence Company reading "What has four wheels and flies? A dead cripple in a wheelchair." The store's commercial manager told protesters the sign would come down friday -- which is basically a big 'fuck you,' since a new 'joke' is posted every week. In 2005, the company posted a 'joke' reading, "Take your ex-wife out. One bullet oughtta do it." It was Violence Awareness Week.

Here's a fun joke. Q: What's the difference between Paul Buchkovich and a bucket of shit? A: The bucket. You folks from Ocala can steal that one if you want. (The News-Press)

-Speaking of really lousy jokes...-
Quentin Tarantino is being turned into an action figure to accompany his role in Planet Terror, Robert Rodriguez's half of their collaborative effort Grindhouse. The name of his character in the film? 'Rapist Number One.' Funny as a kid's funeral... (Perez Hilton)

-Headline of the day-
'Woman: Bowel caused alleged shoplifting.' (AP)

-Sticking it to the man-

(The Humor Archives (via Reddit))

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