Jerry Falwell -- post enema
-Damned biased media!-
Earlier this month, right wing yack hack Melanie Morgan appeared on PBS's NewsHour with Jim Lehrer as a counter to VoteVets chairman Jon Soltz. Morgan -- a low rent Ann Coulter -- got right to work turning the segment into a shouting match.
Viewers were shocked. Mail at PBS's ombudsman's page said Morgan was 'a disgrace to the program,' that her 'qualifications to speak are questionable and her interruptive manner not in keeping with your standards,' and that the piece was 'one of the worst such segments I've seen on NewsHour in awhile.' In other words, all the stuff that makes her a favorite of FOX News didn't fly in a environment meant to inform. Viewers were assured 'you will never see that person on our program again.'
So, on FOX's Hannity & Colmes, Morgan got all whiny, saying PBS "has a blatant anti-conservative bias. They don't want to hear a proud pro American, pro-troop point of view. They've clearly demonstrated that in the past. I think PBS should be ashamed of itself." From the sound of it, it's not so much an anti-conservative bias as it is an anti-asshole bias. When H&C co-host Alan Colmes said, "I really think they should allow rude, interruptive guests like yourself on PBS." Morgan agreed. Way to admit you're an ass, Ann... I mean, Melanie. (Think Progress)
-Quote of the day-
James Lileks (who I usually hate with the passion of a thousand burning suns -- he's a pro-war horse's ass) on the way the Star Wars franchise wrapped up its narrative arc: "Prequels included, the series still ends with Darth Vader smiling from the afterlife while Ewoks dance, which is like ending 'Band of Brothers' in a disco roller-rink with Hitler doing the Hustle with Gene Kelly." I guess everyone gets at least one thing right in their lives. (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune)
-Bonus quote of the day-
Christopher Hitchens (another person I normally despise because he's another pro-war horse's ass): "If you gave Falwell an enema, he could be buried in a matchbox." (RichardDawkins.net (video))
-Civic-minded? Screw you...-
Eagle Scout Joey Gaut, 16, raised thousands of dollars to pay for a 'Welcome to Scottdale' sign for his Pennsylvania town. But, instead of getting the thanks of a grateful town, Council President Tom Ermine, in front of Gaut, his friends and family, said of the sign, "I just can't support it. It's not beautiful." He went on to tell the audience, "No one said life is fair." The council is expected to override the decision and Ermine is expected to apologize for the remark. If there's any justice in the world, Ermine'll find out that no one said assholes get to be Council President after the next elections. (WTAE)