One of many distingiushed careers offered by McDonald's
-It's a 'McCareer,' thank you-
The UK arm of McDonald's has launched a petition to get the word 'McJob' -- meaning "an unstimulating low-paid job with few prospects" -- removed from the Oxford English Dictionary. "The current definition is extremely insulting to the 67,000 people who work for us within the UK..." said McDonald's senior vice president David Fairhurst. "It is time for us now to make a stand and get the Oxford English Dictionary to change the definition." I'm guessing those workers would feel a lot less insulted if you took the money you're blowing on this PR campaign and put it into their paychecks. (BBC)
-Two left wings-
While praising Alberto Gonzales at a press conference, President Bush caught some unwanted input. "[A] bold sparrow swooped overhead and deposited a present on the commander in chief's left sleeve," the report reads. Did I say 'input?' I should've said 'output.' Bush tried to brush off the crap several times, but -- like criticism of Gonzales -- it wouldn't go away. No word on how many F-16 sorties were flown in retaliation. ABC News has the video. (truthdig)
-Voted most likely to become a country and western song-
Fatemah Angela Harkness of Austin, TX, conspired with Gary Jones to embezzle more than $1 million from Jones' bank between 200 and 2003. Harkness, a former stripper, used the money to put together a NASCAR team named Angela's Motorsports. Y'got your stripper, your NASCAR, and (now) your prison -- someone call Shania Twain. (AP)