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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Griper Blade: Does Wolf Blitzer Want to Replace Bob Barker?

If the Democratic [transcript] and Republican [transcript] debates in New Hampshire told you anything you didn't already know, you haven't been paying attention. Sponsored by CNN and hosted -- I won't say 'moderated' -- by Wolf Blitzer, these debates seemed designed to generate headlines, not inform.

For instance, it's been widely reported that while answering a question about abortion, Rudy Giuliani's microphone was cut by a lightning strike. "Clearly, God is pissed at Rudy," commentators have laughed. But look at the damned question he was trying to answer:

Mayor Giuliani, there was some news here today. A Catholic bishop in Rhode Island said some words about your position on abortion, suggesting that it was similar to Pontius Pilate's personal opposition to Jesus Christ's crucifixion but allowing it to happen anyway.

How does that make you feel when you hear words like that from a Catholic bishop?

See, this is why I'll never be elected to any office. I'd have answered, "It makes me feel like it's a stupid question. My position is the position of millions of americans -- in fact, the majority -- and this idiot is insulting us all. My response to the bishop would be to invite him to kiss my ass."

Putting aside whether my answer was any good, it is a stupid question. "Some guy no one has ever heard of outside of Rhode Freakin' Island -- population 3 -- said something outrageous about you," Blitzer might as well have said. "Respond."...


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