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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 6/19/07

The effectiveness of samurais against water balloons remains untested...

-That's one way to look at it...-
I ran across this old Calvin & Hobbes strip on reddit (click image for full strip):


-See how these things can escalate?-
A Madison, WI water balloon battle between neighbors got a little out of hand and devolved into a fist fight. A big fist fight -- a witness reports that anywhere between 20 to 30 people were in the street at the time. Danny Carter, who "was concerned about the welfare of friends or relatives who may have been involved in the street skirmish," showed up with a samurai sword. Apparently, this seemed to be the next logical step in the water balloons to fists progression. Someone else had a better idea, called the cops, and Carter was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct while armed.

It's been a while since I posted a good 'nut with a sword' story and this one's in my home town. I'm flushed with civic pride... (Dane101)

-Here comes the bullshit storm-
The New York Post's gossip page has a pretty scary little blurb. "Right-wing former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum was overheard plotting plans to make a movie with 'Passion of the Christ' producer Steve McEveety," the report reads. The film is "to be released in October of 2008 in order to influence the November election." The subject? Iranian terrorists! Boogah-booooooogah!! Don't you wish that Rick would just take 'you suck!' as an answer? (New York Post)

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