Wade Campbell, Father of the Year, in his cell
-It's not like he's all that hard to surprise...-
George W. Bush greeted a group of high school seniors from the Presidential Scholars program and received a surprise. A ' letter signed by 50 of them urging Bush to halt "violations of the human rights" of terror suspects held by the United States.' According to the report, "White House spokesman Dana Perino said Bush let the student know 'the United States does not torture and that we value human rights,' a statement seemingly contradicted by Bush's signing statement which gave him power to largely ignore a Congressional ban on torture spearheaded by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)."
In related news, the White House announced that there were 50 new inmates at Gitmo. (Raw Story)
-Here we are now, entertain us-
Recognize this 17 year old?

How about now?

It's the same kid. Holy shit, I'm old... (Striker Blog)
-Teach your children well-
Proud father Wade Campbell, of St. Paul, MN, is in jail after threatening to shoot his son's Little League coach for not putting his kid in the game more often. "I'm just sick of this. Everybody should be playing," Campbell told a reporter from the Ramsey County jail. "His (the coach's) kids are out there, and they're playing, and they're not as good as my kid."
He's charged with suspicion of assault and 'making terroristic threats' -- whatever the hell that means. More proof that the word 'terrorism' doesn't mean a damned thing anymore. (Pioneer Press)
Dammit. I'm old too!
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