One of many wonderful things Newt Gingrich is for
-Headline of the day-
"Drunk driving blamed on seeing naked man." This is followed by the first 'First paragraph of the day' for this space -- "A man caught driving while drunk explained to a court he had fled from his house after seeing a naked man in his hallway." Seems he was already drunk when the scary and fleshy apparition appeared to him. He got in his car and fled.
The judge wasn't in a buying mood and Fraser Ian Alexander Smith was fined $700, ordered to pay $130 court costs and disqualified from driving for six months by the Palmerston North District Court in New Zealand. (NZ Herald)
-In related news, 100% of americans like good things-
'08 GOP presidential tease Newt Gingrich is pushing a poll he says supports his ideas for the future. I'm not sure who did the polling, but it looks like a huge waste of time. Consider these results:
92% believe we need to provide long-term solutions instead of short-term fixes (only 5% believe it is unimportant);
80% believe we must strengthen and revitalize America's core values (only 9% believe that is unimportant); and
67% favor moving the government into the 21st Century (only 15% believe that is unimportant).
What I think is funniest here is that only 67% of those surveyed 'favor moving the government into the 21st Century.' Seems a little late to worry about that now, this being the 21st century and all. Still, how do any of these vague statements qualify as 'ideas?' If you wanted to design a poll guaranteed to return high percentages, this would be the way to do it. (Right Wing Watch)
-Funny, but really mean...-
Headline for Liz Claiborne's obit on Fark; "Liz Claiborne unveils new Flat Line." Don't complain here, complain there. The actual story is at FOX News. (Fark)