Even the example of the Bush administration and the recent crop of Republicans hasn't changed that image all that much. Conservatives still dominate the news. This despite the obvious fact that the world-building visionaries, the dreamers who want to change everything, are on the right side of the aisle.

The high profile disagreement began simply enough. At the YouTube-sponsored Democratic debate, Barack Obama answered a question in a way that Hillary Clinton disagreed with. Asked if they would meet with the leaders of Venezuala, Syria, Iran, etc. in their first year in office, Obama said he would. Saying she wouldn't let herself become a propaganda tool, Clinton said she wouldn't.
Each thought they'd scored a legit point in the debate and both have since run with their opponent's answer. Clinton called Obama's answer 'naive' and Obama criticized Clinton's answer as being 'Bush/Cheney-lite.' Both are scoring press for their feud and neither shows any sign of letting up.
Meanwhile, let's see what the 'grown ups' are up to...