Better late than never
-Won't someone please think of the children?!?-
At a good ol' fashioned ice cream social, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney explained why he doesn't want to participate in a YouTube-sponsored debate similar to the recent dem candidate debate.
"YouTube is a website that allows kids to network with one another and make friends and contact each other," Romeny said. "YouTube looked to see if they had any convicted sex offenders on their web site. They had 29,000."
Yeah, see, that's not so correct, Mittster. That'd be MySpace. YouTube's the site with videos of pot-bellied pigs playing the banjo and clips from The Daily Show. Note to Mitt's handlers: no more adlib. (Chicago Tribune)
-Where no one actually reads the stories they post-
AP headline; "Liberal Activists Step Up Campaign Against FOX News." The funny; the story mentions that "Representatives for Fox News Channel did not immediately return calls for comment."
Why it's funny; the story's hosted on FOX's site, making it look like they didn't comment to themselves. There's this new thing called a 'news editor' who's supposed to be on the lookout for this sort of thing in wire stories. (AP (on FOX))
-[FARK] Headline of the day-
"Chief Justice John Roberts leans too far to the right, falls, gets taken to hospital." Actual story from AP. (FARK)
-The Eagle has Landed-
88 year old floridian Walter Hart was recently recognized as an Eagle Scout, which may make him the oldest boy ever to receive that honor. Hart was unable to accept the honor at an appropriate age, having gone into the service during WWII at the time.
Another Eagle Scout, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, couldn't be reached for comment, but it's certain he would've told Hart to forget the citizenship merit badge, that crap about telling the truth, and doing a good deed daily. (AP)