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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 7/11/07

John McCain in non-homosexual clothing

-And the bisexual shoes didn't help any either-
Presidential hopeful John McCain's campaign is rapidly evaporating, with his two top campaign aides resigning and people forgetting who the hell he even is. Not surprisingly, McCain doesn't see his insane support for the war in Iraq, his constant bullshitting, or the fact that he doesn't seem to stand for anything at all but war in Iraq as the problem.

No, John's problem has been the 'gay sweaters' his campaign aides made him wear. Seriously.

According to the report, "[T]he knit-picking was the crescendo of a tirade by the Arizona senator, in which he blistered aides about the minutiae of the campaign. While many septuagenarians live in a perpetual state of sweater weather, McCain reportedly declared his frustration with being told to don the perceived homosexual outerwear in order to look younger and more approachable." In McCain's defense, I have to admit the sweaters didn't really take any years off him. (Radar Online)

-What if the robots are gay?-
Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle managed to insult gays in comments about robotic toilets installed in parks. That's right -- homophobia and robot toilets. Any doubt as to whether this story's from Florida?

The toilet stalls are designed to open automatically after a set time limit. The mayor told a local newspaper that families can now go to the park "without having to worry about a couple of men in there engaged in a sex act." Don't worry, Naugle qualified the statement. "I didn't use the word 'gay.' I use the word 'homosexual.' Most of them aren't gay; they are unhappy."

Hope that clears everything up. (

-Headline of the day-
"Woman Almost Dies After Bikini Wax." Turns out women who have 'a compromised immune system, including diabetics and people infected with HIV,' should check with their physicians before getting a brazilian wax. Who knew? (FOX News)

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