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Monday, September 17, 2007

Griper Blade: Hey GOP, Condemn Ann Coulter... Every Goddam Day

The ripple effect of the huge crime of 9/11, 2007, continues. That crime -- maybe the worst thing that ever happened in human history -- was that suggested in an ad in the New York Times that Gen. David Petraeus might "betray us" with his testimony to Congress on all the "progress" we've made in Iraq. As pretty much everyone expected, Petraeus pushed a line of BS. Bush used Petraeus's report on Iraq to deliver an address to the nation that was, likewise, mostly BS. In that sense, Petraeus did betray us, and that was the sense in which the original question was raised.

But, as I said,'s ad was the worst thing that ever happened in human history. Never mind that Petraeus, who's expressed interest in a presidential run in '12, can already be considered a typical lying politician. Petraeus is currently a military man and, when you put on that uniform, you're flawless and above reproach -- it's some kind of magic thing, I think. He could've sat in front of Congress, insisted that Osama bin Laden shot Lincoln, and anyone who said that couldn't be true would be labeled a hater.

Which brings us those in the hater-labeling business -- former White House press secretary Ari Fliescher's front group, Freedom's Watch. After pushing a big "Huzzah for Bush and war!" campaign, they've gone on to attack for their ad in the NYT...


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