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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Griper Blade: The Largest Block of [Crazy] Voters in America

Empty podiums
Janet Folger introduces Romney, McCain, Thompson, and Giuliani (represented by empty podiums) at the Values Voter Debate

Over at the reliably goofy WorldNetDaily, columnist Janet Folger wrote before Monday's big Values Voter Debate, "I predict the Values Voter Straw Poll will unify the pro-family movement and determine the nominee. Unlike other straw polls that are flawed by design, where candidates have bussed in supporters or paid for their tickets, more than 600 delegates to the Values Voter Debate Straw Poll were submitted by 40 national leaders to accurately represent America's largest voting block."

So, who won that straw poll monday night? Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Yeah, good luck with that.

Here's a breakdown of the rest of the field; Rep. Ron Paul, of Texas, 12 percent; Alan Keyes, who made his debut as a candidate at the debate, 5 percent, Senator Sam Brownback, 5 percent; Rep. Duncan Hunter 4 percent; Fred D. Thompson, 4 percent; Rep. Tom Tancredo, 2 percent; Rudolph W. Giuliani 1 percent, Senator John McCain and John Cox, 1 percent; Mr. Romney, 0 percent.

If you're wondering who John Cox is, you're not the only one. He's a Chicago businessman, presidential Z-lister, and probably the only candidate who has less of a chance of getting into the White House than the nominee for the American Communist Party. Yet Cox tied Rudy Giuliani and John McCain, and actually beat Romney -- the only candidate to get zero votes. Are all the national polls wrong? Is this the real pulse of the Republican voter?

Or is there another explantion?

Why yes, there is. The people at the Values Voters debate are all freakin' crazier than a sack of cats. Welcome to scary-assed right wing nutcase land...


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