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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Griper Blade: Why We Must Filibuster Freedom

Flag Lapel PinLet's restore the Constitution. That's a good idea, right? Who hates the Constitution?

Terrorists, that's who. And that's the problem. We're fighting the War on Terror in Iraq and, as far as Republicans are concerned, we'll keep doing it until time stops. But terrorists exist in places other than Iraq and despite the fact that we want to "fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here," some terrorists refuse to take the invitation to come fight in Iraq.

How to deal with these holdouts? We know that terrorists hate our freedoms, because President Bush told us so. That's what this whole thing is about. Osama bin Laden sees us voting for school board members and referenda on garbage pickup. He sees us stand in court and make our cases under the rule of law and the cause of reason and justice. He sees us enjoying free speech. This, apparently, enrages him. Bin Laden's never actually said anything about how much he hates our freedom, but the president said that's what this is all about, so there ya go.

Since terrorist wallflowers seem intent on sitting out the war in Iraq, there's only one thing to do -- get rid of freedom. That way, the terrorists will knock it off.

At least, that seems to be the reasoning behind yesterday's filibuster of an amendment to restore Habeas Corpus for detainees. This is the new strategy to win the War on Terror; capitulate and become unfree. That'll show 'em...


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