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Friday, September 28, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 9/28/07

Uncle Fester
GOP Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani
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-When Santa drinks-
A german man who'd been overserved at Munich's Oktoberfest decided to visit a friend. After the friend failed to answer the door, the man climbed up on the roof, and "headed for what he thought was a gap in the wall between the two houses." How this was supposed to help him get in is unclear.

The unnamed 27 year old found it wasn't at all what he thought it was and "found himself sliding almost 30 metres (98 feet) head first into a chimney." He spent 12 hours stuck in there before a janitor heard his cries and he was rescued by the fire dept.

The story doesn't say so, but I'm guessing he headed back to the festival. After an ordeal like that, a fella really needs a drink. (Reuters)

-Headline of the day-
"Giuliani cites 9/11 in explaining cell phone gaffe." Rudy's crutch shows up again, when he explained to Pat Robertson that the phone call that interrupted his speech to the NRA was a result of 9/11.

"...quite honestly, since Sept. 11, most of the time when [I or my wife] get on a plane, we talk to each other and just reaffirm the fact that we love each other."

Giuliani really needs to find some sort of issue to talk about. So far, he's been running about the emptiest campaign I've ever seen. (The Carpetbagger Report)

-This could be embarrassing-
Newt Gingrich has announced that he'll run for President. Actually, he's announced that he might run for President. Actually, he's announced that he'd run for President if he can raise $30 million by Oct. 21st.

Actually, this is pretty much synonymous with announcing he won't run for President. (AP)

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