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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Griper Blade: Blackwater to Guard FBI Team Investigating Blackwater

All over my monitorI usually decide what I'm going to write about the night before I write it. I bookmark a bunch of articles for reference, then wake up, pour a cup of coffee, and reread them quickly before I post -- just skim them, really, to see if the stories have been updated. I also run a quick google news search on the subject, to see if anything's developed overnight or if there was anything I might've missed. Once I'm pretty sure I'm up to speed, I get to work.

Anyhow, last night I dreamed I was drowning and woke up to find myself actually drowning. It was no big deal, I must've swallowed the wrong way in my sleep and choked. But I woke up doing that "Cough, cough, loud gasp for breath, cough, cough, loud gasp for breath" thing.

I had pretty much the same reaction this morning when I ran a search on my subject and came across this headline in the New York Daily News -- "Blackwater to guard FBI team probing it." I had to get a rag to mop up the coffee I'd spit all over my desk.

Yeah, there's a great plan. What could possibly go wrong? After all, Blackwater's so damned trustworthy and all...


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