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Friday, October 12, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 10/12/07

John Cleese from 'Holy Grail'
Nobel Prize Committee member

-Headline of the day-
"Nobel committee to climate change deniers: 'Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.'" I wave my privates at their aunties. Huzzah for Al Gore. (Scientific American)

-You could see this coming a mile away...-
The right is freaking out that Al Gore and the IPCC won the Nobel. Think Progress has a collection of quotes, but this one really jumped out at me:

The Nobel Prize committee has basically surrendered to hysterics, mass exaggerators, and liars, most of who are not even climatologists or even any type of scientist.
--William Teach at Pirate's Cove.

I don't keep up with right wing bloggers -- hammering rusty nails into my nuts would be more enjoyable than reading that crap -- so I really don't know who this guy is. But anyone who claims that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is made up mostly of people "who are not even climatologists or even any type of scientist" is dumber than a sack of doorknobs.

In other words, a typical right wing blogger. (Think Progress)

-Another headache for the right-
An Alan Guttmacher Institute study finds that laws against abortion don't make a damned bit of difference -- at least, in incidence of abortion. "The legal status of abortion has never dissuaded women and couples, who, for whatever reason, seek to end pregnancy," Beth Fredrick of the International Women's Health Coalition in the United States said in an accompanying commentary.

In fact, laws banning abortion are bad things -- just like everyone with a damned brain has been saying for decades. "The continuing high incidence of unsafe abortion in developing countries represents a public health crisis and a human rights atrocity," Frederick wrote.

Don't expect this to make a damned bit of difference to the anti-abortion moonies. As the previous item shows, right wingers don't know the facts and they don't want to know the facts. Pig-ignorance serves them very well, thank you very much. (CBC)

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