The O'Reilly Factor just became a little less insane
-Eating their own-
A few nuts on the right are quickly dissolving into internecine squabbling. It's pretty to watch. FOX News personality, Geraldo Rivera told a reporter for the Boston Globe that he really didn't like Michelle Malkin -- kind of hard to blame him really, she's a low-rent Ann Coulter.
"Michelle Malkin is the most vile, hateful commentator I've ever met in my life. She actually believes that neighbors should start snitching out neighbors, and we should be deporting people," the Globe reports him as saying. "It's good she's in D.C. and I'm in New York. I'd spit on her if I saw her."
That didn't go over very well. Malkin, who's quick to attack anything or anyone, turns out to be a whiny, thin-skinned little bitch -- again, no real surprise there. So Geraldo went on Bill O'Reilly's show and apologized. Bill, making one of the most ridiculous statements of our young century, asked Rivera
if he really was sorry and, after Geraldo said he was, Bill replied, "All right, because you did hurt her feelings and we don't want to do that here on the Fox..." That's right, FOX Freakin' News now considers people's feeling. Good news for Cindy Sheehan, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, John Kerry, John Murtha, Ted Kennedy, on and on and on. Someone make sure that Sean Hannity got that memo.
Anyhoo, Malkin's not buying it. She sent an email to Bill that she was quitting his show. Apparently, it's either Geraldo or her -- they're both O'Reilly Factor regulars. "I made the decision to quit appearing on the O'Reilly show in response to the poor handling of the Geraldo Rivera matter (the staged 'apology' on The Factor was a complete farce)," Shelly's email reads. "I won't go into details, but please know that your support means a lot to me. You can catch me on other Fox News shows and read my daily blog posts and weekly columns at MichelleMalkin.com."
Somehow, I doubt that anyone will actually miss her. She's an intellectual lightweight, a psychotic reactionary, and a right wing ideologue.
In other words, having Bill and Shelly on the same show at the same time is an exercise in redundancy. (Think Progress, NewsBusters, and Boston Globe)
-Wall Street Journal makes Bush sad-
Literally and progressively:

(MoJo Blog)
-[Crazy-assed] quote of the day-
"The tragedy of New York and the disaster of New Orleans are merely first fruits of the many woes that will devastate San Francisco and send shockwaves throughout California, America, and the world. God stands poised with his flaming sword ready to strike your city. He is prepared to exchange Sodom and Gomorrah with San Francisco to serve as a warning to all cities and nations of men 'do not follow in their pernicious ways.' Your city will be turned into a scarecrow and used by God as His enemy to warn future generations, lest you repent and turn from your wicked ways of child sacrifice, which is the shedding of innocent blood and homosexuality. You must stuff these abominations back in the closet of illegality and punish these criminal acts as God prescribes or your entire house (city) will collapse upon your wicked heads. With all diligence, take heed to this warning, repent or perish, Christ or chaos."
--Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas of Elijah Ministries, noted lunatic.
I wouldn't worry about real estate prices in San Francisco going down in response. (Right Wing Watch)