Blackwater's Zeppelin -- handy if you need it
-The weirdest fact I've heard all day-
Private mercenary force Blackwater USA owns Zeppelins. Seriously. It's hard to think of a situation where you'd say, "You know what would be really handy here? A big freakin' blimp." But, in case anyone ever has that thought, they've got them.
Now all Blackwater president Erik Prince needs is a steam-powered submarine and he's Dr. Loveless from Wild, Wild West. (Blackwater USA)
-"Success" is defined differently for D-listers-
Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden is sending out a press release about his rocket-like rise in a new poll from Iowa. Titled Momentum +2, the release tells us that Joe's gone up two percent in the latest numbers.
The problem; this puts Biden at 6 percent total. Wow. The best possible spin I can put on this is that Joe's up from 4 percent -- which happens to be the margin of error for the poll. This proves undeniably and scientifically that someone in Iowa is for Biden. The previous poll couldn't say that with any certainty.
In other words, Biden's support is no longer immeasurable. Clearly, the man's on his way to the White House. (The Plank)
-Speaking of D-listers-
Kansas presidential hopeful and bona fide religious whackadoodle Sam Brownback is bowing out of the '08 race. According to the report, "Money was a main reason for his decision, said one person close to Brownback who requested anonymity because the candidate had not yet announced his plans."
Likely story.
It's more likely that Brownback saw Biden's incredible rise in the polls, then saw that icon of truthiness Stephen Colbert had thrown his hat in the ring, and ran like cheap mascara. The nation really dodged a bullet there... (AP)