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Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To 11/8/07

Sonny Perdue with a ham
Georgia Gov. Perdue Sacrifices a Ham to Angry Rain Spirits

-A Hail Mary-
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue will host a prayer service seeking God's aid in his state's ongoing drought. "The only solution is rain," said a Perdue spokesperson, "And the only place we get that is from a higher power." That's the keen grasp of science that Americans expect from their leaders. Low pressure is a bunch hooey and barometers are of the devil. Everyone knows meteorologists hate God.

Other options have been brought up. Florida's St. Petersburg Times wrote, "Here's the truth, Gov. Perdue: A record drought, unrestrained population growth and poor water-conservation habits are to blame for northern Georgia's water shortage... Atlanta's population growth was the largest in the nation over the past six years, yet Perdue and state lawmakers have failed to write a state water plan or even pass basic water-conservation legislation."

It's pretty bad when the only solution you can offer for your own incompetence is divine intervention. (AP, Creative Loafing)

-Good news or bad news?-
Once again, Bad Reporter puts things in perspective:

HEADLINE: Writers Strike Will Affect Fictional Parts of Bush Speeches

OK, so it's a skewed perspective. Also featuring Jeb Bush, Terri Schiavo, King Tut, AT&T, and some poor fella being waterboarded. (SF Gate)

-Quote of the day-
"You can't be the president and the head of the military at the same time" -- Commander in Chief of the US Military George W. Bush to Commander in Chief of the Pakistani Military Pervez Musharraf.

Seems to me there's something wrong with that statement, Mr. Commander Guy... (AP)

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