What bad little boys and girls get
-[Scary] headline of the day-
"Coal Ash is More Radioactive than Nuclear Waste." Not the best news I've heard all day. On the other hand, the headline "Coal Power Plant Suffers Meltdown" will never be printed.
Just one more reason to go with solar and wind. You're better off if Santa gives you a lump of fissionable plutonium than a lump of coal. (Scientific American, via reddit)
-I hope they're recycling it all-
The Bush administration is doing its part for the economy by providing a boom for the "big ol' semi-trailer/paper shredder" industry. According to the report, "Federal spending on paper shredding has increased more than 600 percent since George W. Bush took office."
In 2000, the feds spent $452,807 to shred paper. By 2006, that had shot up to $2.9 million. So far this year, they've spent $2.7 million.
I credit the $0.2 million drop to the absence of Alberto Gonzales, Scooter Libby, and Karl Rove. It's just that much less criminal material to hide. On the other hand, there's still $2.7 million worth of jawdroppingly scandalous crap to uncover.
C'mon media, get crackin'. (Radar Online)
-What liberal media?-
A Florida congress critter couldn't get any newspapers to print an op-ed calling for the Vice President's impeachment, so he took his case to the web. According to the report, "Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) on Friday launched a new Web site, WexlerWantsHearings.com to advance his call to impeach Cheney. The site hosts an op-ed article censored by the nation's major newspapers and outlines the case for impeaching Cheney." Media outlets refusing the piece included the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wexler's home district's Miami Herald.
A resolution introduced by dem presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is sitting in the House Judiciary Committee, ignored and going nowhere. "We have to follow the evidence where it leads," Wexler says. "We have an obligation to do it, and to do it as thoroughly as possible."
Amen, brother. Seriously, is there anyone on Earth who thinks the Big Dick's an innocent little lamb? The guy's so crooked he makes Nixon look saintly. Do yourself a favor, go to Wexler's site and add your name to the online petition.
Time's a'wastin'... (WexlerWantsHearings.com, Raw Story)
I thought that this, and your other blog, were a hilarious riff on thoughtless Madison lefties.
Now, I'm not so sure.
Is this site a parody site of classic Mad Rads or is it just another rant page?
-- A Badger.
I'll give you the same answer God or Popeye would:
"I am what I am."
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