"What'd I say?"
-FOX you, John Gibson...-
A FOX Newsbot, albino marmoset/human hybrid John Gibson, decided he'd have a little fun with actor Heath Ledger's death. Gibson played a clip from Brokeback Mountain -- "I wish I knew how to quit you" -- on his radio show and commented, "Well, he found out how to quit you." Not done with the zaniness, Gibson called him a "weirdo" with a "serious drug problem" and repeated debunked claims that Ledger had been found surrounded by pills. Still not done with his hilarious bit, Gibson said that Ledger had committed suicide. "Maybe he had a serious position in the market," Gibson said. A real kneeslapper, John.
What gets me about this is that Gibson was forced to defend his fawning coverage of Anna Nicole Smith's death last February. I guess, if you've got big ol' tits, you get John's utmost respect. If all you have is one of those Oscar nominations, you ain't shit. After all, it takes real talent to show your bare drunk ass to a Playboy photographer.
Fellow right wing talker Joe Scarborough of MSNBC called Gibson's attempt at comedy "as callous and harsh as anything I've ever heard." Think Progress puts it best -- "You stay classy, John Gibson" (TVSquad, Think Progress)
-Headline of the day-
"Rally turns into 'angry mob' over tardy Giuliani in Florida."
Man, when even your supporters hate you, you are royally screwed. (Raw Story)
-Caveat Emptor-
This has got to be the news quote of the month -- at least -- "Some women in Springfield are regretting their decision last week to get a tattoo from a door-to-door tattoo salesman."
Wow, who could've seen that coming?
A man going door-to-door in Springfield, MO sold tattoos to at least three women. Of those three known tattoo-buyers, all have gotten sick. Tamara Eason noticed that the tattoo gun didn't look very high-tech. "It was wrapped with black tape, had a pin underneath it, had fishing wire going through it, you could tell it was a homemade gun," she said. She got a tattoo anyway. She passed out the next day at an area store.
Local tattoo artist Miller Cotton has this bit of advice for consumers, "Beware of deals in parachutes, brain surgery and tattoos."
Miller Cotton is a very wise man. (KMBC, Kansas City, via reddit)