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Friday, February 01, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 2/1/08

Hillary Clinton
Needs a better class of endorser

-You win some...-
John McCain is so unpopular among the rightest of right wing nuts that full-blown whack-a-doodle Ann Coulter has come out hard against his nomination. Appearing on FOX News, Ann told Sean Hannity, "If he's our candidate, then Hillary's going to be our girl. Because she's more conservative than he is. I think she would be stronger on the war on terrorism. ... I absolutely believe that. ... I will campaign for her if it's McCain."

An empty threat, sure, but clearly one meant to throw the fear of God into McCain-leaning conservatives. So, how worried should John McCain be that Ann Freakin' Coulter's not in his camp?

Not very. Ann's a loudmouth without much influence over conservative voters. She previously backed also-ran Duncan Hunter -- who most voters don't even know was running. In the influential pundit ranking, Ann's somewhere below Art Bell -- despite being twice as insane.

Although, looking at how Hunter's campaign turned out after Coulter backed him, maybe it's Hillary who should be worried. (Raw Story)

-...You lose some-
The lefty group has endorsed Hillary's rival, Barack Obama. The member-driven organization chose its candidate by an online poll, where Obama whomped Clinton, 70.4% to 29.6%.

For your daily dose of vitamins and irony, consider why was founded -- to oppose the impeachment of Bill Clinton. In other words, a pro-Clinton organization dissed Clinton by a very large margin.

That's gotta kinda hurt a little... (The Nation)

-Headline of the day-
"Exxon and Chevron soar on record oil prices."

According to the report, "Revenue in the quarter rose 30 percent to $116.64 billion. For the year, [Exxon] pulled in $404.55 billion, slightly larger than the 2006 gross domestic product of Turkey, the world's 17th largest economy."

Once more, Exxon makes more money in a year than any company in the history of the world. They suck so much... (Reuters)

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