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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 3/5/08

Highway sign for US 666
Is Obama leading us south on the Highway to Hell?

-Guess who's being a prick again?-
Given the number of pricks in the world, you could probably be excused for guessing wrong. Today's prick is CNN's Glenn Beck. In an interview which was a dangerous mixture of right wing lunatic meets right wing lunatic, Beck asked the man who delivered the bigot vote to John McCain what he thought of Barack Obama:

There are people -- they say this about Bill Clinton -- he might be the Antichrist. Odds that Barack Obama is the Antichrist?

This was too crazy even for end-times nutcase John Hagee, who answered Beck's question with "No chance."

Of course, last spring Beck called Hillary Clinton the Antichrist.

Why don't you get back to us once you've made up that tangle of snakes you call a mind, Glenn? (Think Progress, with video)

-Headline of the day-
"Man Claims to Be Forcibly Catheterized; Washington State Pays Out."

I believe the medical term for that feeling you guys out there are having is "Heebie-Jeebies."

Matthew Clifford Arthur was pulled over for OWI in 2005. When he refused to provide blood and urine samples, they took them by force. Yikes!

A settlement with the state of Washington scores Arthur 15 grand for his -- ummm -- "discomfort." If you ask me, they're getting off cheap. (AP)

-Is this good news or bad?-
After GOP voters decided that Mike Huckabee Suckabeed last night, John McCain became the de facto nominee of the Republican party. Good news for Mac!

Today, McCain is endorsed by President Bush -- a man who's popularity rivals that of a bad head cold. Bad news for Mac!

Bonus: Just to make sure everyone's clear that he just doesn't freakin' care anymore, Bush "stood outside on the North Portico and entertained the press corps by tap dancing, doing a goofy walk, winking, and smiling" before endorsing McCain. Seriously, there's video.

Please, please, please, let this moron go on the campaign trail with McCain... (AP, Think Progress)

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