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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Griper Blade: Once Again, the Right Freaks Out

An Associated Press story is causing some on the right to freak out. It's not like it's much of a challenge to get them to do that. While the political right clings to a "tough guy" image, deeply in touch with their inner John Wayne, it really doesn't take a lot to get them to run around like a bunch of panicky grandmas. The gun-toting, hard-bitten heirs to the cowboy legacy have a real bad tendency to shriek like 12 year-old girls when things have even the slightest chance of not going their way.

The story in question is titled "Bush revises strategy on curbing greenhouse gases." The broad reaction to this news is "Western civilization is doomed! Doomed!"

Revising his stance on global warming, President Bush on Wednesday proposed a new target for stopping the growth of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions by 2025.

The president also called for putting the brakes on greenhouse gas emissions from electric power plants within 10 to 15 years.

"To reach our 2025 goal, we will need to more rapidly slow the growth of power sector greenhouse gas emissions so that they peak within 10 to 15 years, and decline thereafter," Bush said in excerpts of the speech released early by the White House.

"By doing so, we will reduce emission levels in the power sector well below where they were projected to be when we first announced our climate strategy in 2002. There are a number of ways to achieve these reductions, but all responsible approaches depend on accelerating the development and deployment of new technologies."

Bush was not to outline a specific proposal, but he'll lay out a strategy for "realistic" emission reduction targets and "principles" he thinks Congress should follow in crafting global warming legislation.

So this isn't so much leadership on the issue, but rather Bush setting the parameters within which he's willing to be led. With most experts giving us a decade or less to reduce carbon emissions, Bush's "10 to 15" years amounts to doing nothing. This is extremely weak tea.

But weak tea is far too strong for those right wingers for whom every president absolutely must be a cowboy. Rush Limbaugh accuses Bush of "accepting liberal premises "and poopoos "this whole notion that carbon dioxide is a pollutant."...


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