Associated Press:
A choir director who hopes prayer can bring down high gas prices is trying out his approach at some of the costliest pumps in the country.
Rocky Twyman of Washington, D.C., came to San Francisco over the weekend to stage a pray-in at a Chevron station. He is also calling on churchgoers to ask for God's intervention where he says politicians have failed.
Gas costing $4 a gallon or more has become common around the San Francisco Bay area.
For the record, I don't think that's going to work. Neither are any of Bush's ideas. The president's big idea on cutting gas prices is to drill in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWAR). The problems here are many. First and foremost, you've got to actually get the oil -- which involves laying roads, constructing buildings and rigs, finding the oil, pumping the oil, getting it to refineries, etc. You want immediate relief? This ain't it.
Second, there's about five minutes worth of oil up there. You've got to wonder if the oil used to get it will be worth the oil recovered. In 2004, Bush's own Energy Department determined that drilling in ANWAR would have almost no effect on prices...