For the love of God, FREAK OUT!
-What's wrong with the media: Exhibit A-
15 year-old pop star Milie Cyrus posed nude for Vanity Fair! Oh shit! Oh Christ! Western civilization is doomed! DOOMED!
Except, she didn't.
In an Annie Leibowitz portrait, Cyrus bares her back. That's it. In fact, it seems a little unimaginative for Leibowitz, although the image itself is well done. If it reminds me of anything, it's a painting by a Dutch master, not child porn. Photographers refer to this as "Rembrandt lighting" for a reason. It's shadowy, with a washed out, painterly renaissance color palette. It's actually very good.
Of course, that hasn't kept this non-story from heavy rotation in cable news. Professional moron Bill O'Reilly has chimed in -- despite the fact that he's a well-documented sexual deviant. "Middle America," Mr. Dumbass says, "they don't like this."
Not to be outdone in the pointless panic department, the Christian Coalition went farther. "If she's gonna go out there and represent wholesome values, she needs to be more accountable for her actions," says CC spokesnut Michele Combs. She says "Disney should reprimand her" -- whatever the hell that means.
Again, look at the photo -- this is sexy to these people? What, do they have a spine fetish? Damn, their hair-tearing says more about them than anything.
Get help, pervs... (US Magazine, via Right Wing Watch)
-Headline of the day-
"Wash. Post’s Murray: ‘Just wait’ for media to scrutinize McCain."
Call it "What's wrong with the media: Exhibit B." WaPo reporter Shailagh Murray spoke about the way John McCain isn't getting covered in the media.
"This is driving Democrats crazy right now, but just wait," Murray said during a Post discussion. "Once the primary battle is over, Sen. McCain will get his fair share of scrutiny."
Um, what's the holdup here? Why not give him his "fair share of scrutiny" now? You know, it's one thing when I say McCain's getting a free ride from the media, it's another when the media says McCain's getting a free ride from the media. I'd say that Murray and company are in a unique position to actually do something about that, wouldn't you?
I'm going to watch old Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow clips and drink more bourbon than anyone has any business doing. Seriously, at this point, that's the only right thing to do. (Think Progress)
-Bonus HotD-
"Roger Waters' Giant Obama Pig Lost, Reward Offered."
Former Pink Floyd member Waters' big inflatable pig with the word "OBAMA" on the side is missing and believed to be somewhere in the California desert. If you've seen it, he wants it back.
Geez, I hope this isn't some sort of psychedelic omen. (Huffington Post)