Typical IRS agent
-[Reddit] headline of the day-
"Wesley Snipes Finally Defeated By Blood-Sucking Vampires."
Wesley Snipes gets three years in prison for tax evasion. Get it? The IRS -- "Blood-Sucking Vampires?" Eh? Eh? The sentence comes despite pleas by noted vampire-hunters Denzel Washington and Woody Harrelson for leniency -- seriously, they chimed in.
"The sentencing court sends the right message to the American taxpayer — you’ve got to pay your taxes,” said US Attorney Robert O'Neill. "Rich, poor, it doesn’t matter. We all pay our taxes." Well, not all.
A recent study by Syracuse University-based Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse found that tax audits of corporations have dropped to half of what they were 20 years ago. As a result, they're getting away with a lot of tax evasion.
I guess Snipes' real crime was in not being Wesley Snipes-O-Dyne, Inc.
Story at Bitten and Bound. (reddit)
-[Actual] headline of the day-
"US-contracted ship fires on Iranian boat: report."
US military personnel aboard a private cargo ship fired on an Iranian boat today in the Persian Gulf. Referred to by the report as "warning shots," the details make this a little hard to swallow. See, there were 11 of these "warning shots." Seems like a lot just to get your point across.
Don't worry, sooner or later one of these boats are going to shoot back and then the headline of the day will be "Iranian Boat Sparks US/Iran War." That's pretty much the purpose of these "warning shots."
Maybe it'll just be a warning war. (Raw Story)
-Is it good news or bad news?-
A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds 63% of respondents saying "United States made a mistake in sending troops to Iraq," a number the report calls "a new high."
For those of us who are "glass half-empty" types, however, this means that 37% of Americans are freakin' morons.
Just trying to put things into perspective. (Gallup)