Couldn't buy good news lately
-A Pyrrhic victory-
Turns out that Hillary Clinton's big Pennsylvania win has actually made it harder to get the nomination. The problem -- it wasn't big enough.
Before PA, Clinton needed 63% of the remaining votes to overtake Obama -- a nearly impossible task. Now, things are even harder.
"Clinton now needs 296 of the remaining 435 delegates up for grabs (or approximately 68% of the vote.) In contrast, Obama needs 140 of the remaining 435 to have the majority (or about 32% of the vote.), we're told. "Therefore, despite her win in the Keystone State, the results have in fact made it less likely Clinton can win."
Win PA, lose 5% of your ground. I'm backing Obama, but even I have to say that's effed up. (Political Insider)
-Headline of the day-
" McCain calls Obama insensitive to poor people."
Say what again?
That's right, the guy with the gazillionaire wife (whose private jet he uses to campaign) claims former Chicago neighborhood activist Barack Obama doesn't get poor people. See, Obama's not sufficiently awed by McCain's proposed "gas tax holiday" -- a suspension of the federal gas tax during the summer. In fact, Obama's against it.
Of course, Obama's opposition is due to the fact that it's a stupid idea. The tax holiday would cost the feds $8.5 billion -- with a B -- in revenue and would save the average consumer a whopping 28 bucks. That'll really turn someone's life around. "That would be the most expensive $28 you ever saved," says Craig Thompson of the Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin.
Yeah, these gimmicky "solutions" that GOPers love never work out so well in the real world. You know what might get gas prices down? Stop poking middle eastern countries with a freakin' stick and get out of Iraq!!
I guess that's just crazy talk. (AP)
-Bonus HotD-
"Clinton in N.C. slams Obama for opposing gas tax break."
See above. Who's side is she on, anyway? (McClatchy)
-Speaking of bad ideas-
I've noticed a TV ad for a new crowbar-thingy by Stanley. Named the "Fubar Utility Bar," it's designed as a demolition tool.
How did they get the name? Seems to me it comes from a WWII-era acronym that's less than family friendly. Fubar stands for "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition" or "Fucked Up Beyond All Repair."
It's good name for a demo tool, but really... That's just asking for trouble. (StanleyFubar.com)