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Monday, April 07, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 4/7/08

Rush Limbaugh with big cigar
Enjoys the finest ratings money can buy?

-Headline of the day-
"Limbaugh’s Following Extends to Ads."

Actually, that may be the misleading headline of the day. According the the report, "Rush Limbaugh’s fans are at their most numerous when he is not even speaking. That is among the findings of a study by Coleman Insights, a radio consulting firm, that uses newly available minute-by-minute listener data from New York, Philadelphia and Houston to map the ebb and flow of Mr. Limbaugh’s audience."

Oddly, this means that Rush has the most listeners during ad breaks, "beating his share during on-air segments by 0.18 percentage point."

Golly, wouldn't that be exactly what you'd want to tell companies looking to make ad buys? Why, this would be the sort of finding you get if you paid people to take part in ratings surveys.

Talent "On loan from God" or hired from Manpower Staffing? (NYT)

-He did it! He finally did it!-
Somewhat hammy actor Charlton Heston died at his home this weekend at the age of 84. Heston is probably best remembered from The Planet of the Apes and sequels, where he played an time-traveling astronaut, and The Ten Commendments, where he supposedly played Moses, but actually played God.

They say that comedy is tragedy plus time, so if you don't find this funny now, you may later -- but you can go ahead and take his gun now. (Washington Post)

-Penned out-
Clinton campaign wizard Mark Penn has been fired from that campaign for a conflict of interest. According to the report, "the chief strategist for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the CEO of worldwide PR company Burson-Marsteller, has stepped down from his post with the Clinton campaign following the news that he met with the Colombian government to secure congressional approval of a trade agreement that Clinton vocally opposes."

Except, he hasn't really been fired. As far as I can tell, he hasn't even taken the day off. A Clinton press release tells us, "After the events of the last few days, Mark Penn has asked to give up his role as Chief Strategist of the Clinton Campaign; Mark, and Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates, Inc. will continue to provide polling and advice to the campaign."

Considering how things have been going for Team Hillary lately, it might be a good idea not to take that advice. If I were Hillary Clinton, I'd pay Mark Penn to leave me the hell alone. (MoJo Blog)

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