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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 4/9/08

Bush and Lieberman suck face
Why would anyone trust either of them?

Remember how Joe Lieberman lost the Democratic nomination for his Senate seat to Ned Lamont? Remember how he went on to found the "Connecticut for Lieberman party" and nominated himself? Remember how Ned Lamont crashed Lieberman's website in a dirty tricks campaign?

"Our Web site consultant assured us in the strongest terms possible that we had been attacked," Lieberman campaign spokesman Dan Gerstein. Hackers had brought down Joe's site.

Yeah, that's not what happened. The FBI looked into the incident and concluded that "the server that hosted the Web site failed because it was overutilized and misconfigured. There was no evidence of (an) attack."

In other words, the server failed because Team Lieberman fucked it up. Then he capitalized on his staff's incompetence to attack Lamont.

Still happy with your choice, Connecticut? (Stamford Advocate)

-Headline of the day-
"McCain tells Fox reports of temper are 'false or exaggerated'."

Speaking to FOX News' Megyn Kelly, McCain said that the reports of his volcanic fits of rage were a bunch of hooey. Pressed on a story of himself and Rep. Rick Renzi getting into a fist fight at a meeting, McCain denied it.

"No, in fact there were witnesses every time I have been around," McCain said. "The congressman is a good friend of mine, and we have a good relationship. ... Those reports are either false or exaggerated."

He then called Kelly a "trollop" and a "cunt," while chasing her around the studio with a nine iron. (Raw Story)

-Needs a safer hobby-
Loren Two Bulls of of Rapid City, S. Dakota was arrested monday night and charged with six counts of aggravated assault and one count of theft of mislaid property.

According to the report, Two Bulls had been "standing in the middle of a street on Monday night and threatening motorists with a bow and arrows" and that "people in one car said they saw a man shoot an arrow at another vehicle before taking aim at them."

Not surprisingly, police say he "smelled of alcohol and slurred his words." No word on what he'd stolen, but the party he stole it from must've rocked. (AP)

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