![Chastity belt with big, heavy lock](http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6987/chastitybeltwv9.th.jpg)
An older -- and more effective -- version of 'abstinence pants'
-Headline of the day-
"Kmart promotes abstinence pants."
No, not chastity belts. Abstinence pants for juniors. Pants that read "True Love Waits." In big letters. Across the seat. See, that's how you get kids to think about things other than sex -- write messages on girls' asses.
I would've went with "No Trespassing," but that's just me. (Think Progress)
-Tomorrow's leaders-
Comments from National Spelling Bee contestants:
"Bush misspelled ‘business’ one time. That’s embarrassing." -- Raymond Soriano, 14
"Anyone can out-spell Bush." -- Vincent Medina. 11
"I don’t think Hillary Clinton has a chance in the election. I like Obama." -- Hannah Gerdes, 14
"[Obama] is upbeat. He is the one." -- Gaurav Sirdeshpande, 14
Gerdes added that she thinks Obama's probably a good speller, because his name is hard to spell.
America's future seems to be in good hands. (Examiner)
-Bonus HotD-
"Pringles can designer dies; remains buried in Pringles can."
According to the report, "Dr. Fredric J. Baur was so proud of having designed the container for Pringles potato crisps that he asked his family to bury him in one." So his family did.
Baur, who died at the age of 89, had his ashes split up between a regular urn and the Pringles can. Apparently, the can's too small for the entirety of cremated human remains. I'd make a joke, but what can you say? The guy's in a freakin' Pringles can. Seriously, how can you take that fact to further absurdism?
You can't. My work here is done. (Boing Boing)