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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Lieberman No Help in Connecticut

John McCain has the backing of Connecticut's Democratic-turned-Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman, but a new poll out Wednesday shows the state is decidedly Obama country.

According to a new poll from Quinnipiac University, Barack Obama is leading McCain in the state by more than 20 points, 56 percent to 35 percent. Much of that lead stems from the Illinois senator's 16 point advantage among independent voters in the state. He also pulls in 16 percent of Republicans there.

The poll also provides further evidence that Lieberman, who bucked his former party late last year by endorsing McCain, holds little sway with voters in his home state when it comes to the presidential election. Even if McCain chose Lieberman as his No. 2, a prospect that most political observers agree is highly unlikely, only 14 percent of Connecticut voters said they would be more likely to vote for the Republican ticket.
In related news, Lieberman's approvals at home have dropped as he backs McCain. In March 52% approved. Today, only 45% do.

Connecticut voters are slowly coming to the realization that they really screwed up last go-round.

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