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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 7/2/08

guy surfing
Extreme waterbording, dude...

-Headline of the day-
"Want to know if waterboarding is torture? Ask Christopher Hitchens."

Pro-war ass Christopher Hitchens once made a distinction between "outright torture" and the "extreme interrogation" of waterboarding. I guess the first is done by Nazi's and the second is something kids in baggy pants do in Mountain Dew commercials. It's not evil, dude, it's just extreme waterboarding.

Do the Dew.

Anyway, Hitchens seems to have obliterated that distinction. What got him to change his mind? He let himself be waterboarded. Seriously.

According to the report, "Enraged by what they saw as an exercise in elegant but offensive sophistry, some of the writer's critics suggested that Hitchens give waterboarding (which may sound like some kind of fun aquatic pastime, but is probably best summarised as enforced partial drowning) a whirl, just to see what it was like. Did the experience feel like torture?"

So he said, "Yeah." He got himself strapped to a board and dunked. "Believe me, it's torture," he says.

Hey, I'm not the one you should be talking to about that, Chris. I'm sold. Tell it to your Bush apologist buddies. (Guardian)

-Irish finally discover pot of gold at end of rainbow-
An Irish company has discovered the "largest gold deposit ever found in the British Isles."

According to the report, "Drill samples indicate more than 1 million ounces of gold may lie below what is now rolling Irish countryside, said Richard Conroy, the chairman of Dublin, Ireland-based Conroy Diamonds and Gold."

That translates to somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 million. Lucky the Leprechaun could not be reached for comment, but close friend Tony the Tiger describes him as "depressed." (CNN)

CNN's getting schizoid with polls. Two headlines about big, important Earth-shattering news stories contradict each other. At 10:30 AM ET, the cable news giant posted a story titled, "Poll shows Americans cool to Michelle Obama." At 1:40 PM ET, they put a piece called, "CNN Poll: Candidates' wives viewed favorably."

Add to this confusion their "who fucking cares?" factor and high "what difference does it make?" ratings and neither story qualifies as actual news. Newsflash for CNN; we're not voting for First Lady. Still, if you're going to waste our time with this marshmallow-fluff non-news crap, at least be consistent.

Just merge the stories into one piece titled, "Do People Like Candidate's Wives? The Fuck if We Know..." (CNN, CNN)

-Everything pundits know is wrong-
Remember how Obama was going to have a tough time getting Hillary supporters on board? Remember how that turned out to be a load?

Remember how Obama was going to have trouble with latino voters?

Turns out that's a load. (AFP)

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