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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 7/1/08

McCain, Rumsfeld on Death Star
Prior to the invasion, McCain and Rumsfeld tour the Death Star

Headline of the day-
"Six Years Later, McCain Says He Still Would’ve Invaded Iraq — Presumably For The Hell Of It."

According to the report, "In an interview with reporters on the back of his campaign bus, the 'Straight Talk Express' Monday afternoon, McCain said that even in retrospect he would still have voted to authorize the war, as he did in 2002.

"'I think there's no question,' said the Republican's likely presidential nominee."

Which kind of leaves the saner among us wondering what the hell for? None of the reasons given for the invasion panned out -- no WMD, no ties to al Qaeda, nuthin'. In retrospect, there wasn't any reason to invade Iraq -- other than the neocons having a woody for it.

But the report shows McCain explained himself; "He said that even with that faulty intelligence he felt the war was justified since Saddam Hussein had twice used weapons of mass destruction, broken international sanctions and was 'a threat' to the United States."

You know who else has used WMD twice? US. In fact, our WMD were the most destructive deployed before or since. And breaking international sanctions? We broke international law in invading Iraq. Threat to the United States? Please. During the first Gulf War, Iraqi military personnel were climbing over each other to surrender.

So I guess the headline is right, he'd do it for the hell of it. I wonder who else he'd invade for shits and giggles? (Firedoglake)

-Bonus HotD-
"Obama outpaces McCain in donations from military personnel."

Does this mean the US military is secretly Muslim and hates America? Mr. "I'm going to get us out of Iraq" has raised $327,000 more from military personnel than Mr. "I'm going to stay in Iraq for a bazillion years."

Golly, I wonder why? (Think Progress)

-You're going to have to go across the street now-
Coffee seller and imperial power Starbucks has announced it will close 600 stores nationwide. See, it's gotten to the point where they can't open new ones without knocking the old ones down. (AP)

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