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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Americans Want Healthcare Reform

clipped from

Americans are deeply dissatisfied with their health care choices and want the 2008 presidential candidates to put health care reform high on their campaign agenda, according to a poll released Thursday.

The survey by the non-profit Commonwealth Fund, a charitable group promoting health care reform, found that 82 percent of adults surveyed believe that the US health care system is in need of a complete overhaul.

The random telephone survey of 1,004 adults found broad agreement that the health system should be reorganized to ensure better access and flow of information between doctors and patients.

According to a report that accompanied the survey, "a majority of adults look to the next president to lead by proposing reforms that could improve the quality of health care, ensure affordable care and decrease the number of uninsured."

If you go by GOP talking points, this means that 82% of Americans are socialists. Maybe that explains why this issue has become such a loser for Republicans. No one believes Republicans are ever going to address healthcare.

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