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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Griper Blade: A Lie Deadlier than WMD

We have anthrax.

You die now.

Are you afraid?

Death to America.

Death to Israel.

Allah is great.

-Letter sent to Sen. Pat Leahy, containing anthrax

It's the overlooked news story of the week. Not the news that researcher Bruce Ivins committed suicide as the feds closed in on him for distributing anthrax after 9/11. That news has been all over the place. Not that the feds are considering closing the case, now that their prime suspect is dead. Not that another researcher at the same lab, Steven Hatfill, was wrongly investigated.

No, the big news in the anthrax case is old news. And it's news the media doesn't seem too interested in -- mostly because it makes them look very, very bad. The anthrax attacks played a big part in leading us to war with Iraq and the media played along...


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