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Friday, August 22, 2008

McCain Campaign Predicts Big Boost for Obama

clipped from

Barack Obama may get a 15 percent bump in the polls from the announcement of his vice presidential pick and next week’s Democratic convention, according to a memo from John McCain's campaign.

The memo from campaign strategy director Sarah Simmons attempted to set expectations for the Democratic senator from Illinois, who has failed to break 50 percent in most polls since clinching the delegates necessary to win his party’s nomination. She also blamed what she predicted will be worshipful media coverage of Obama.

"We believe Obama will see a significant bump, and believe it is reasonable to expect nearly a 15-point bounce out of a convention in this political environment," Simmons wrote.
This is Team McCain gaming poll numbers before they come out. They're setting the bar high and hoping dumbass pundits/parrots will pick it up.

Then, when Obama doesn't hit the number they've spread around, they say, "What happened? Everyone was saying Obama would get a 15-point bump. Golly, support for Obama must really be slipping!"

It's a total con. Watch for the media to fall for it.

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