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Friday, August 22, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 8/22/08

Vintage motorcade
John McCain makes a beer run

-McCain fun facts-
The news that John McCain doesn't know how many houses he owns has brought out the investigative reporter in a lot of people. Which, in turn, has turned up some interesting facts and figures.

The McCain's spend $273,000 a year on house staff -- more than the average home is worth ($266,000). The McCains also spent more on the help than they gave to charity.

But don't worry, McCain doesn't go to hoity-toity elitist coffee shops to get a cuppa, he's an everyday Joe who gets his brew from a chain:

McCain, who huddled with advisors at his desert compound in Sedona, Ariz., said nothing in public. A nine-car motorcade took him to a nearby Starbucks early in the morning, where he ordered a large cappuccino. McCain otherwise avoided reporters.

I'd write more about this, but there's a police escort waiting to take me to Burger King. (MoJo Blog)

-That didn't take long-
But I doubt anyone expected it would. Following yesterday's news that Hallmark would begin selling cards congratulating people for same-sex marriage, the perpetually freaked out American Family Association freaked out and demanded that the greeting card publisher "stop promoting a lifestyle that is not only unhealthy, but is also illegal in 48 states."

Never mind that both points are completely untrue -- there's a difference between "can't be wed here" and "illegal to be a married couple here." But, hey, they got Republican Jesus on their side, they don't have to sweat the truth.

Among the stupid things AFA said in their panic was, "Hallmark is a private company obviously driven by greed." Eek! A company that wants to make money!

Save it for your commie brethren, Comrades. Here in America, we're capitalists. (Think Progress)

-[Onion] headline of the day-
"Bush Told To Sign Birthday Treaty For Someone Named 'Kyoto'."

That just might work... (The Onion)

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