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Saturday, August 02, 2008

No Swing State Coverage of McCain's 'Race Card' Claim

clipped from

The "race card" dispute between McCain and Obama has baredly shown up on the front page of swing-state papers across the country — so far — even if it made the front of The New York Times.

A look at Newseum's archive showed that the story made the front in Springfield, Mo. and Fort Collins, Colo., while Exxon's record profits got top billing all over the countrly.

The Detroit Free Press wrote that the personal attacks could backfire on McCain, and almost every Iowa paper focused on Obama meeting with flood victims or talking about energy policy.

I think what's going on here is that these swing state papers are on the front lines -- they see the letters to the editor that aren't printed and they know that there's just a buttload of racism on the right.

As a result, they see Obama's statements as pretty accurate and self-evident. McCain's claims must seem to them to be a little insane.

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