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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obama Ad Links McCain, Abramoff

Maybe there's some truth to the reports that Barack Obama is finally planning to get tough on John McCain. According to the Altanta Journal-Constitution, the Obama campaign will tomorrow release in Atlanta this ad, which links McCain to disgraced former Jack Abramoff crony Ralph Reed:

The hard-hitting ad notes that when McCain led a Senate probe of Abramoff, he never called Reed to testify, then points out that Reed is currently helping to raise money for McCain's campaign.

Reed, who during his unsuccessfully 2006 bid for Georgia Lieutenant Governor was dogged by questions about his Abramoff ties, did indeed send out an email to friends recently announcing his participation in an Atlanta fundraiser for McCain last week. After Reed's involvement raised eyebrows, he was a no-show at the event itself.

Pretty straight forward. It'll be hard for McCain to weasel out of this one -- although there won't be any shortage of media figures willing to help him along.

I'd like to see this followed up with McCain's ties to lobbyists and the way he swaps positions for campaign cash. Someone's got to cut that "straight talkin' maverick" BS out from under him.

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