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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 8/27/08

Kucinich and wife
That's his wife... No, really...

-Go Dennis!-
Think Progress reports that Dennis Kucinich's speech to the Democratic National Convention was "edited." That's probably a little strong. He was asked to remove a line, which he did, but you kind of wish he hadn't.

The line? "[Neocons are] asking for another four years -- in a just world, they’d get 10 to 20."

And people are disappointed that Hillary wasn't nominated? I'd take a President Kucinich any day of the week. (Think Progress)

-Headline of the day-
"Shuster stumps Giuliani: Why are Republicans sticking Bush on the first night of the convention?"

That's MSNBC's David Shuster. Actually, I can answer that one, Dave; the first day is Labor day. No one will be watching. The only reason that Bush will be appearing the first night is because the Republican National Convention doesn't go until Christmas, when the viewership would be even lower. (Think Progress)

-This is awesome...-
Just when you think it's safe to hate Nancy Pelosi. Politico reports this exchange:

House Democratic leaders and protesters waving McCain signs had a war of words Tuesday at a press event outside an old train station. The demonstrators interrupted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with chants of “Drill here! Drill now!”

Pelosi paused and asked the group, “Right here?”

Seeming to enjoy the back and forth, she followed with another question: “Can we drill your brains?”

It's a thought, but you wouldn't get nuthin'... (Politico)

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