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Sunday, September 14, 2008

McCain-Palin Faces Blowback for Dishonest Campaign

clipped from
Palin-mania continued to dominate the conversation on the Sunday morning talk shows, as Democrats slammed Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin for distorting her record in ads and on the campaign trail.

The attacks came in the midst of a difficult weekend for John McCain, the Arizona senator and GOP presidential  nominee. After a week of putting Democratic rival Barack Obama on the defensive, McCain’s supporters found themselves defending the veracity of claims made by the campaign about the new addition to the ticket.

Several scathing media reports accused the McCain campaign of routinely stretching the truth, particularly when it comes to Palin’s record.

“Quite honestly, the interview I saw and that Americans saw on Thursday and Friday was similar to when I didn’t read a book in high school and had to read the Cliff’s Notes and phone in my report,” Wasserman-Schultz said of Palin’s interview with ABC’s Charlie Gibson last week. “She’s Cliff-noted her performance so far.”
Wasserman-Schultz is Dem. Senator Debbie Wasserman-Schultz of Florida.

As I've been pointing out to anyone who'll listen, McCain enjoyed a post-convention bump and a bump from choosing Palin and he only managed a tie. The Palin honeymoon's winding down, so expect McCain to start polling lower. Add the fact that the media is finally reporting that McCain's campaign is a pack of lies and things don't look good for that side.

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