Although, even in this interview, she screwed up a little bit, saying that John McCain supports the entire GOP platform -- he doesn't. Then again, the way he reverses position constantly, maybe he does. Who knows? Still, the last time anyone checked, he was against three of the planks:
The platform calls for a constitutional ban on gay marriage, an issue McCain says should be left to individual states. Similarly, the platform seeks a constitutional ban on all abortions; again, McCain supports allowing states to decide the question. McCain supports research using embryonic stem cells, which the platform opposes.
Palin called it a "strong platform" and told Dobson, "They are there, they are solid, we stand on them and, again, I believe that it is the right agenda for the country at this time."
What the hell, what's three more flip-flops? Let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's right. For all we know, she is. It wouldn't be the first time McCain had reinvented himself...