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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Griper Blade: John the Damned

It strikes me as stupid. John McCain lost the last presidential debate largely on style. He came across as angry, he wouldn't even look at Obama or acknowledge he existed, and he relied on stump speech lines and talking points. In the end, the public found this repellent and McCain lost the debate in polling afterward. Given all of this, McCain has come to the conclusion that he and his running mate haven't been big enough jerks. If McCain's performance of the past few days is any indication of how he plans to comport himself during tonight's debate, he's losing big.

And McCain's supporters aren't any better.

Eric Schmeltzer, Huffington Post:

Are you proud, John McCain? This is your campaign. In your quest for power, you threw out your morals, your principle, your past disdain for low-ball gutter smears. And now we know the reaction it has incited.

Are you proud?

In New Mexico, you asked the crowd, "Who is the real Barack Obama?"

"A terrorist!" a voice in the crowd shot back, clearly getting the message from this weekend, when your running mate falsely said that Barack Obama had "Palled around" with a "terrorist" and "doesn't see America" the same way nice white Americans do.

"Hitting again and again on Bill Ayers and his flimsy connection to Barack Obama, a member of the audience yelled back, "KILL HIM!"" we're told.

Fan-freakin'-tastic, John. I know you want to win, but at this point, there isn't much chance of that. Barack Obama stands a real good chance -- an "only a fool would bet against it" chance -- of becoming the president. And you're training your supporters to hate him as a criminal and a terrorist.

"Country first" my ass. This is John McCain first all the way. Any honor he had going into this, any benefit of the doubt, anything that set him apart from the sleaziest Republican running a deplorable House race in the reddest of districts is gone. John McCain no longer deserves any of it. He has disgraced himself...


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