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Monday, October 06, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 10/6/08

angry-looking cartoon car
Typical topselling car

-Headline of the day-
"People Love Angry-Faced Cars."

A new study finds that people prefer their cars to look a lot less than friendly. According to the report, "The finding rests on the propensity we have to actually see faces or human characteristics in everything from cars to clouds, a phenomenon called pareidolia. But now researchers hope to better understand what goes on in the brain when people see faces in objects versus humans faces, as well as help automakers design more appealing cars."

Basically, the car is seen as an extension of yourself (you never say, "That guy's car hit my car." You say "That guy hit me," for example). So, on the big, dangerous, and often competitive roadways of the world, people want to look big, dangerous, and competitive. Slit or angled headlights, wider air intakes, and a "wider or lower" profile seem to make the cut here.

"I don't think this is something that will change the industry or make the designers jobless," said the leader of the study. Maybe not, but it might really piss them off. Get ready for cars with spikes and blades on them, like in Road Warrior. (

There goes Florida-
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that John McCain has a solid way to pay for his healthcare plan -- rob Peter to pay Paul. According to the Journal, "John McCain would pay for his health plan with major reductions to Medicare and Medicaid, a top aide said, in a move that independent analysts estimate could result in cuts of $1.3 trillion over 10 years to the government programs."

This is going to be super-unpopular among retirees who 1) vote at a rate of about 110% and 2) pretty much make up about half the population of Florida. polling gives Obama a slight edge in the Sunshine State, so the last thing McCain needs are seniors burning him in effigy.

Which I'm pretty sure they're going to do. Right after bingo. (Wall Street Journal)

-Bonus HotD-
"Top McCain Aide: ‘If We Keep Talking About The Economic Crisis, We’re Going To Lose’."

Defending McCain's choice of attacking Obama with guilt by association crap instead of dealing with the economy, an unnamed aide told New York Daily News, "It’s a dangerous road, but we have no choice. If we keep talking about the economic crisis, we’re going to lose."

I've got news for you buddy, if you don't talk about the economy, you're going to lose. A CBS News/New York Times poll shows 52% think the economy is the nation's top priority. Meanwhile, no one even knows who the hell William Ayers even is.

By all means, jack around with this William Ayers crap. Avoiding talking about the economy is probably even worse for McCain than talking about it.

Here's a shovel; dig your own electoral grave. (Think Progress)

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