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Friday, October 10, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 10/10/08

Chimpanzee with a pistol
Typical McCain supporter

-Rabid and stupid-
Yay for Wisconsin! At an appearance in La Crosse today, a woman at a McCain event shouted "TRAITOR!" at the mention of Barack Obama's record. The reaction is weird, considering the subject. In what was basically a string of lies anyway, McCain told the crowd, "He promised higher taxes on electricity. He voted for the Democratic budget resolution that promised to raise taxes on people making just $42,000 a year." At this point, the shriek is heard.

Someone wanna get dumbfuck here a dictionary?

Still, it's par for the course for a McCain rally. Wednesday, some ass thought he was the Queen of Hearts and said "Off with his head!" in reference to Obama. At other rallies, calls of "KILL HIM!" and "TERRORIST!" have been heard.

Hey John, just cut to the chase and hand out the brown shirts already. (Huffington Post, with video)

-Headline of the day-
"Conn. high court imposes same-sex 'marriage' on state."

The Homosexual Menace claims another state in its march toward the total destruction of the family, the church, and the accuracy of Norman Rockwell prints. An editorial in reliably histrionic OneNewsNow tells us "Once again, a court has overruled the will of the people and taken it upon itself to legalize homosexual 'marriage.' Connecticut's Supreme Court ruled Friday that same-sex couples have the right to marry, making that state the third behind Massachusetts and California to legalize such unions."

The piece, written by (I swear) Charlie Butts and Jody Brown, assures us that Good 'Mericans ain't all that happy about it. Charlie Brown and Jody Butts also assure us that voting for John McCain is the only way to save 'Merica from gay terr'ists out to destroy us from within. Because Charlie Ass and Jody Ochre know that if you let gay people get married, then al Qaeda has won. Don't let al Qaeda win. OK, so society didn't collapse when Massachusetts and California went all gay and stuff, but this time for sure...

Vote McCain, say Rectum and Burnt Umber. (OneNewsNow)

-Maryland police on the case-
Two women have been listed as terrorists by the Maryland State Police. Radical fundamentalist bomb-tossers Sister Carol Gilbert and Sister Ardeth Platte are under the watchful eye of the cops for their opposition to the Global War on Terror.

"There is no way that we ever want to be identified as terrorists. We are nonviolent. We are faith-based," says Sister Ardeth. Sister Carol agreed.

"Democracy is built on these elements of being able to speak out -- to speak what we believe is truth," she said. Tell it to Osama bin Laden, ladies. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and police wiretaps on pacifist nuns. (Think Progress)

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