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Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 10/2/08

Photo of McCain with 'Veto!' stamp across his face
Lost in translation

-"Vote" is an anagram of "veto"-
John McCain was proud of his role in the Senate version of the Wall Street bailout bill. McCain voted for it, arguing that we're "square in the greatest financial crisis of our lifetimes." He said he was "pleased" with the bill and that some members had to be brought on board using "sweeteners."

What are "sweeteners," you might ask? Stuff like $3.3 billion in aid for rural schools and alternative energy proposals. Not exactly porky, but definitely riders. That's where things get good.

According to the report, "Though those 'sweeteners' angered the MSNBC pundits this morning, McCain was hardly bothered, never mentioning them yesterday or during today’s cable news interviews. But when Joe Scarborough asked McCain about the pork projects, McCain flipped back to his standard anti-pork crusade, going so far as to suggest that that President Bush should veto the bill, 'no matter what the stakes are'..."

"It’s insanity and it’s obscenity, because it’s a waste of taxpayers’ dollars and it goes on, and until we stop it, until we get frankly a president who will say, I’m gonna veto these bills, I’m gonna make the people famous that put them on there, uh, famous," McCain told Scarborough.

So let me see if I can translate this from crazy-assed flip-flop into English; "I voted for the bill, because it was essential. Now it's up to Bush to veto it, because it's loaded with inessentials."

I think it's untranslatable. (Think Progress)

-Truth in advertising-
From my buddy Jon-A.

Yeah, that's human-skinning enthusiast Ed Gein and a Martian from Mars Attacks! I say we print these up big and take them to McCain-Palin events. Gein-Martian '08!

More at the link. (Jon-A's Blog)

-Headline of the day-
"McCain pulling out of Michigan."

Baghdad Johnny's given up on Mitt's mitten. Politico's Jonathan Martin calls this "a stunning move a month away from Election Day." Good news for Michiganders, bad news for me. According to the report, "McCain will go off TV in Michigan, stop dropping mail there and send most of his staff to more competitive states, including Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida. Wisconsin went for Kerry in 2004, Ohio and Florida for Bush."

Oh great. I can't watch TV for fifteen minutes without seeing a McCain ad now. What's he going to do, come over and wallpaper my place with bumperstickers? Don't worry though, McCain ain't taking Wisconsin.

Oh well, I guess it's a good thing that he wants to waste his money here. We've got economic problems too, ya know... (Politico)

-While I was screwing around at Politico...-
...I took a look at their updated Electoral map. Turns out that if the election were held today, Obama would win the electoral college 353-185. You know what you call that?

You call that a fucking landslide, that's what you call that. If McCain wants to win this thing, he'd better have one hell of an October surprise.

And, just a heads up, guys -- a terror warning isn't going to cut it. (Politico)

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