Kids these days and their crazy fads...
-Headline of the day-
"Old GOP pol (not McCain) pissed about young Dem upstart (not Obama)."
The old GOPer is 68 year-old Carol Elliott, unseated as Treasurer of Grafton County, NH by 20 year-old Vanessa Sievers, a junior at Dartmouth. According to the report, Elliot has complained that her opponent won "only because 'brainwashed college kids' voted Democratic, and referred to the student as a 'teenybopper.'" You know, it's that kind of maturity that people in Grafton County are really going to miss.
Sievers won the election, in part, by dropping 51 bucks on a Facebook ad. The rest was "the growing sentiment among young people that it would be a good idea to get involved in their communities and work to better what they see as flaws in the system." Say, isn't that what you call yer "sense of duty?" What's the next fad for these crazy college kids, civic pride?
Says Elliot, "I would've run away with the election, if it weren't for those meddling kids..." (23/6, via reddit)
...his Senate seat, sunday.
Psyche! Admit it, I totally had you there for a second. Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich will appoint the successor, a decision we can expect sometime around Christmas. Then Obama will go ahead and be the president, just like everyone decided he would.
Geez, don't be so jumpy. The election really is all over... (Political Wire)
-They're taking it well...-
Remember how Sarah Palin used to talk about "small town values" on the campaign trail? You know, those simple folk in "real America" with hearts as big as the whole outdoors, who know the value of a dollar, who appreciate honesty and integrity, and have black people hanging in effigy in their front yards?
Yeah, those people.
Turns out that "small town values" and "psychosis" are pretty much synonymous in many parts of the country, as local newspapers report nooses and racist imagery and other rustic hijinks. Yup, that there's yer basic rural horse sense.
Want a guy in a Klansmen robe waving a flag and a handgun? Then Midland, Michigan's the place you want to be. Want to see a house covered in racist graffiti? Try Loxahatchee, Florida. Need to see a burning cross in an interracial couples' front yard? The get yourself to Apolacon Township, Pennsylvania. Those aforementioned lynched effigies? Mount Desert Island, Maine is the bucolic eden you're looking for.
Even the kids are getting in on the fun, as second and third graders in Madison County, Idaho chant "assassinate Obama" on the schoolbus -- wonder where they picked that up? Little pitchers, as they say, have big ears.
Golly, but isn't it just freakin' great the way that Obama's election has wiped out racism in America? And it has, ask most of the dumbasses on any cable news talking head show. We're all "post-racial" now. (Vanity Fair)