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Monday, December 01, 2008

Griper Blade: A Return to Reality in Fighting HIV/AIDS

Back in 2006, I wrote a post I called "A Delusion-Based Global AIDS Policy." Since it was way back in the days before we had any hope of reason in the White House, the news on the global fight against HIV/AIDS wasn't all that good. The Bush administration, not wanting to contradict its domestic education policy, created a global AIDS strategy based on the same non-reasoning. That non-reasoning worked like this; since HIV/AIDS is a sexually transmittable disease, then the only way to fight it is to fight human nature -- which the religious right believes is basically evil -- and promote abstinence above all other measures. The only way for the world to fight this contagion would be for everyone in the world to adopt a tiny fraction of global population's world-view -- that of the Evangelical right -- and become "good people" the only way they believed it was possible to be a good person. In other words, by acting like a right wing evangelical. Or, least, like right wing evangelicals pretend to behave.

Of course, this works about as well as you'd expect it to work. The most pious wingnuts have failed at it in very humiliating and public ways. These people made their livings pretending human nature is a matter of choice -- imagine how hard it must be for an amateur. The results were as predictable as they were tragic.

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