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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 12/3/08

Bush in Santa costume
No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus

-Headline of the day-
"UPDATE: White House Christmas tree won't feature 'impeach Bush' message."

Hot on the heels of yesterday's HotD, "White House Christmas tree to feature 'impeach Bush' message," we find out that Laura flip-flopped. Says First Lady spokesperson Sally McDonough, "We reviewed the ornament along with all the [other] ornaments, and Mrs. Bush deemed it inappropriate for the holiday tree."

There's a big surprise, huh? Nothing puts the damper on yuletide festivities more than a constant reminder that hubbie George belongs in freakin' prison. You'd imagine he gets drunk enough as it is. (Raw Story)

-Reason why Republicans lost big time #4,208-
Six years in the making, the new Capitol Visitors Center is open. Rather than having to wait outside for the Capitol tour to begin, sightseers will be able to wait in indoor comfort, enjoying a restaurant and historical exhibits. Sweet!

But wait, here comes Republican Senator Jim DeMint to rain on everyone's parade. Being a right wing ass, DeMint is outraged because the visitor center isn't Christian enough.

I'm not kidding.

According to DeMintm the center is "Left-leaning" and "portray[s] the federal government as the fulfillment of human ambition and the answer to all of society’s problems... This is a clear departure from acknowledging that Americans' rights 'are endowed by their Creator' and stem from 'a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.'"

Hey dumbass, that's from the Declaration of Independence; it's not law. Law -- i.e., what this country was founded on -- is the Constitution, which mentions God exactly zero times.

Besides, you had a chance to crap your pants over this before it was finished, didn't you? But that would've robbed you of something to be a grandstanding idiot over, wouldn't it?

Hey Jim, want to know when the GOP can expect to get back in power? When punks like you stop whining about every little thing, that's when. In other words, not any time soon. (North Is Up, via reddit)

-Bonus HotD-
"Obama grants Fox News its first question at his press conference."

Goody for FOX News! They'd been completely shut out of all the previous press conferences, so this was a big step for the little guys. The question? According to the report, it was regarding "the TARP [Troubled Asset Relief Program, AKA the Paulson bailout plan] funds and Bill Richardson’s now-removed beard."

Wait, isn't that two questions? Those tricky little scamps...

Obama said he was "deeply disappointed with the loss of the beard" and "my team has been reviewing very carefully how the TARP program has proceeded." Personally, I think Team Obama made Bill shave the beard. It made him look kind of like Satan or, at least, Dr. Orpheus. (Think Progress)

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